Plymouth County
Soil & Water Conservation District
State Cost Share Policy
REAP Cost-Share
The District’s cost-share policy encourages more effective windbreaks for energy savings, wind reduction, snow deposition and wildlife cover. One half of the rows should be evergreens, but a row of shrubs may be substituted for a row of evergreens. Species cannot be double rowed. The district will provide cost-share on ONE row of Colorado blue spruce. There is no cost-share on all varieties of lilac, Amur maple, Scotch pine, Austrian pine, and green ash. There is only cost share for spring plantings and trees from a licensed nursery or after trees have been inspected by Iowa Department of Ag. Entomologist. The cost-share rate is 75% from REAP funds; up to $22.50 on conifers and deciduous, $3.75 on shrubs and $4.00 on growing tubes. You may purchase higher priced windbreak stock, but the District will not cost-share above these prices. Trees can be purchased at any nursery. There is no cost-share on labor or rented equipment. The minimum cost-share payment which can be received is received is $100 and the maximum cost-share payment is $1,600.
Low Interest Loan
The purpose of the loan program is to improve and protect Iowa’s water quality. The loan assistance is facilitated through the State Revolving Fund (SRF). Loan amounts range from $5,000-$500,000 per borrower with loan terms up to 10 years at an interest rate of no more than 3% - fixed for the life of the loan. Loans can fund up to 100% of a project’s actual cost or be used in conjunction with cost-share or grants. A linked deposit incentive structure enables you to work with the lender of your choice. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis by your local Soil and Water Conservation District.
All cost share practices or structures cannot be removed without prior approval. All practices that receive cost share dollars will be paid back on the amount of what has been removed. Items will be reimbursed back to IDALS in the amount at determined by Plymouth SWCD.
NOTE: The Iowa Financial Incentive Program/cost-share program is administered by the local soil and water conservation district (SWCD) with policy and administrative assistance of the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation (IDALS/DSC). This program includes cost-share for voluntary practices, mandatory practices as related to the Iowa Sediment Control Law, practices to protect watersheds above publicly-owned lakes, and management practices. The cost-share application process from sign-up to payment is included in FARMS, a web-based Financial and Reports Management System.